crunchy red fruit


you can explore our current release wines, or look into past releases to see what we like.


let’s learn together!

Below are all of our releases, with information on every wine.

We hope that you have a chance to go through our tasting notes, listen to our song pairings, or try one of the recipes we recommend!


latest release: a new old world.

release 31. January 2025

I can’t promise you a lot, but I can promise that in 2025, we will learn how to become better versions of ourselves. Crunchy Red Fruit started as a personal project to answer the question “what would it look like if I shared the types of wines that I deeply believed in with people who were willing to explore with me?”

past releases.

see below for the wines of previous releases, and the themes and stories we’ve featured in the past

release 26. March 2024

herb appeal.

Every wine in this release is meant to show that herbal, green notes in wine are not only nothing to be ashamed of: they should be celebrated. Herbal notes are the seasoning in the stew. Herbal notes are carefully-crafted indie r&b songs. They represent wines with real character and quality. Wines like Laura Brennan Bissel’s tremendous Alaric Cabernet Sauvignon. An old-school style California red fueled by real music and real struggle. Or the Lyrarakis Dafni, a wine that smells like picking a fresh bay leaf and a fresh lemon together, and crushing them in your hand on a cliff above the Mediterranean. There’s an Austrian white infused with fresh wild thyme, and a classic Cabernet Franc that smells of sage and topsoil.

release 25. January 2024

summer in aus.

Right now, as we suffer through snow, hail and frigid temperatures across the US, Australia and New Zealand are bathing in summer heat. Surfers are paddling out, avocados are growing, and grapes are ripening. They're in opposites land down under! I've always thought of wine as a way to travel in your glass, and this release does precisely that. These are wines picked to represent summer drinking – bright, sunny, lifted wines to bring you out of the winter doldrums, and take you to a beach in New South Wales, or a gorgeous hilltop overlooking the ocean in South Australia. That sunshine shines out of the glass just like it should, taking you to a warmer place.

release 24. November 2023

warmth in the wild.

Today, we make a case for comfort. Sometimes it’s good to take an optimization break. This release is meant to evoke the feeling of a weighted blanket, or a warm cup of tea by a roaring fire. Contrary to our usual stance of challenging your palate and sending you into kooky discovery land, this release is like a pair of soft flannel pajamas.

release 23. September 2023

convergence zone.

convergence zone represents the blending and uniting of ideas. In our case, it's also the combination of two companies that have merged to become one, sharing resources, ideas and people. Crunchy Red Fruit has merged with Seattle Wine Co to create Fruit Wine Co. We're a wine shop, a wine club and an event space, but more than anything we represent the idea that wine is fruit at its core. Our hope is to show you how these concepts come together and influence the way we drink, dine and enjoy one another's company. Come see us at our new shop in Bellevue, WA!

release 22. July 2023

in defiance.

All of these wines speak to a strong-willed nature that just won’t quit, and a spirit of defiance that can’t be chastised out. When you sip on these wines, I hope they inspire you to keep seeking that perfect tension between safety and discomfort in your wine, or in all things. That’s where the magic happens.

release 21. May 2023

boa viagem.

for this release, we’ve curated a selection of amazing wines from all over Portugal. As a country, Portugal’s viticultural diversity and history are astounding. There’s hundreds of native grapes, a variety of traditional regional styles, and loads of interesting flavors. We’ve picked six wines that are representative of their regions and the families that produce them.

release 20. March 2023


our 20th release, “sud,” is an exploration of what is compelling and interesting in the world of South American wine. We’ve selected one white, accompanied by several diverse and interesting reds from all over the continent. If you’d like to read the story behind the release, click here.

release 19. January 2023


January’s Circle Release is all about volcanic wines. These are wines that are either grown on an active or extinct volcano, or wines grown in volcanic soil material. We’ve specifically chosen producers who pursue transparency in their farming and winemaking practices, to highlight the uniqueness of the land where these grapes are grown above all else.

release 18. November 2022

immigrant songs.

November's Circle release tells the story of grapes coming from Europe to America, driving their ships to new lands. We're telling the story of old classics and new classics, with a selection of wines showcasing a perfect balance of the two types of wines.

release 17. September 2022

river stories.

This release has the unique element of water running through it. Water is such a powerful element of creating wine, and we wanted to showcase various different ways that it can manifest itself throughout different grapes and locations.

release 16. July 2022


Some of the women featured in this release are pioneers, some are new to the business, some are viticulture experts, and some are cellarmasters.

The wine industry has made big paradigm shifts over the last few decades, but there is still a long way to go in realizing that women have not only built this industry, but are the reason it's thriving.

release 15. May 2022

sketches of spain.

This release contains diverse selection of wines from all over Spain, including the Basque country, Andalucía, and Catalonia.

We're excited to bring you things we've found through travel and tasting, and to show you just how different and exciting this country's wines can be.

release 14. March 2022

best coast.

This release highlights the fun and unique elements of the West Coast of the United States.

Although there are many amazing wine regions in the world, the west coast has a special place in our heart. Not only is it the home to the Crunchy Red Fruit Headquarters, but it is a place with incredible wine minutes from our front door.

release 13. January 2022

behind the curtain.

Everything in this release was the product of working hard ahead of time to see these arrivals through. Secret deals. Special projects. Unique wines and winemakers.

Jackson even helped make one of these wines, stomping the grapes with his own feet back in 2019, and we are so excited for you to enjoy all these wines!

release 12. November 2021

learn your scales.

It’s time to embrace the colder months of the year and cozy up with a delicious glass of wine!

We have another beautiful bottle from our friends at Bois d’Arlene, an aged, classic Spanish red, and some bubbles that will knock your fuzzy socks off!

release 11. September 2021

summer’s not over.

Labor day may have come and gone, but we’re still enjoying summer here at Crunchy Red Fruit!

Enjoy it with us as we sip on a fun rosé, a unique white, and some more traditional bottles to pair with the final picnic days of the year. Cheers!

release 27. May 2024

gorgeous wines.

The Columbia Gorge exists in both Oregon and Washington. this is a wine region that doesn’t respect invisible boundaries. In this release, you’ll find wine grown on high alpine slopes on the Washington side, and on low slung valleys further south in Oregon. There’s Grenache here, but it’s not found in the cool, moist Underwood Mountain area. it’s closer to the Dalles, which actually gets hot enough to ripen it. There’s grape varieties from all over, which shows how incredibly diverse the Gorge’s terroirs are, and the massive potential that is present here.

release 28. July 2024

to the trees!

For this release, we’re going to the trees, and jogging our collective memory that wine is meant to be enjoyed outdoors just as much as in. We created this collection inspired by Treehouse Point, right down the street from our home in Fall City. We’ve picked the wines in this release as if we were taking them for an overnight stay in a treehouse or by a campfire, for the ultimate in outdoor luxury glamping-gulping. But you don’t have to be in a treehouse to enjoy this release–drink it in a tent, on a boat, waist-deep in a river, or on your back deck in the sunshine. Just take that wine outside!

release 30. November 2024

fireside wines.

Open these wines. Cook these recipes. Invite friends and family to enjoy them with you. Start a fire in the hearth or out in the pit, or on the TV if that’s all you have. When you open these wines, the election will probably be over, and the dust of a highly contentious season will have begun to settle. But our ancient need for authentic human connection and warmth will be exactly the same. Let’s put down our phones, embrace somebody close to us, and pop that bottle.

release 29. September 2024

dinner at our house.

We are here for you.

Bring your laughter. Bring your jokes. Bring your goss and your tea.

This release, "dinner at our house," is about the wines we love to share with friends, around a firepit or a dinner table. They're chosen for crowd-pleasing yumminess, flavor diversity, and food pairing ability. We hope you enjoy this release, thanks for coming to dinner!

release 10. July 2021

the story of one.

A single grape, in so many different expressions and forms it can sometimes be hard to believe they are all the same.

This release includes a unique South African bottle, a classic expression from the grape’s homeland , and something a little closer to home. We hope you enjoy!

release 9. May 2021

flower, spring, earth.

Spring has sprung, along with a very excited new Crunchy Red Fruit endeavor: we created our own private wine label!

Check it out below, along with some other incredible wines from all over the world- from a crazy Mexican bottle to a classic Cahors, we have a little something for everyone.

release 8. March 2021.

un bel viaggio.

Discover parts of Italy you have never seen before, and enjoy some handmade pasta while you travel through your glass of wine.


release 7. January 2021.

raid the spice cabinet.

Wines that bring a new year to your platte.

As per usual, these wines are from all reaches of the world, with one the most eye-catching one from just a few miles away and a classic favorite from thousands of miles from our front door.

release 6. November 2020.

comfort in the cold.

This box is for the classic wine lovers out there- but, as always, with a Crunchy Red Fruit Twist.

We want you to share these bottles with friends, family, and anyone else you spend your holidays with. We believe wine is the best way to bring people together, so enjoy!

release 5. September 2020.

malutong na pulang prutas.

We have partnered with TWO Seattle food and wine masters for this upcoming release. The focus of this box is to honor Filipinx culture and heritage by combining the wine knowledge of Nelson Daquip and the food genius of Melissa Miranda.

release 4. July 2020.

sunshine in the dark.

2020 has been a doozy, but we want you to take a break from all the craziness and share a glass with us.

We want you to enjoy a small light in the dark, and how can you not when one of these wines in pure sunshine in a bottle?

release 3. May 2020.

smoky. sweet. bitter.

This release has a little bit of it all- fun Rosés, deep Syrahs, and everything in between.

Join us as we explore some of our favorite wines from our local vineyards and then swoop you over to some crazy locations like Slovenia and Chile!

release 2. March 2020.

changing of the guard.

You might have heard, one of the wines in this box made Jackson cry. That doesn’t happen very often.

This box is full of some of our favorites from classic regions such as Tuscany and the Loire Valley, but with a small twist. We hope you enjoy!

release 1. January 2020.

welcome to the circle.

Hello! Welcome! We’re so glad that you are here!

This is our very first circle release, and we are SO excited to drink with you. We hope that you find a true gem in this first box that makes you smile.

a wine club, updated.

join the circle